Annie Lee (JHU)

"Liability Dollarization and Exchange Rate Pass-Through" (co-authored with Junhyong Kim)

Stephen Ryan (WUSTL)

"The Heterogeneous Value of a Statistical Life: Evidence from U.S. Army Reenlistment Decisions" (co-authored with Kyle Greenberg, Michael Greenstone, and Michael Yankovich)

Measurement Errors and Latent Variables Workshop

Andrei Zeleneev: “Nonparametric Identification and Estimation with Non-Classical Errors-in-Variables”Benjamin Deaner: will title the talk “Proxy Controls” and discuss parts of the papers 'Proxy Controls and Panel Data' and 'Controlling for Latent Confounding […]

Ajarda Bhardi (NYU)

“Early-Career Discrimination: Spiraling or Self-Correcting?” (joint work with Y. Guo and B. Strulovici)

Gaurab Aryal (WUSTL)

Title of the paper : "Valuing Pharmaceutical Drug Innovations" (co-authored with Federico Ciliberto, Leland E. Farmer, and Ekaterina Khmelnitskaya)