Dr. Mieko Nishimizu
Dr. Mieko Nishimizu, Ph.D. '75, is an economist by training, a banker by profession, and a "leadership mentor" by passion.
Esteemed Alumnus John Hewson
John Hewson (Ph.D, 1974) is still very busy. Since ending his political career, having been Leader of the Liberal Party of Australia and the Federal Opposition in the mid-1990s, he […]
Esteemed Alumnus Min Zhu
Min Zhu, the Deputy Managing Director of the IMF, received his PhD from Johns Hopkins and taught in the university’s Policy Institute in the early ’90s. Before joining the IMF, […]
Esteemed Alumnus Paul Decker
Paul Decker, President and Chief Executive Officer – Mathematica Policy Research (MPR), is a nationally recognized expert in policy research, data analytics, education, and labor policy. Decker received his PhD […]
Esteemed Alumnus Rajiv Vohra
Rajiv Vohra is the Ford Foundation Professor of Economics and former Dean of the Faculty at Brown University. After receiving his PhD from Johns Hopkins in 1983, he joined Brown […]
Esteemed Alumnus S. Brock Blomberg
S. Brock Blomberg, Dean of the Robert Day School of Economics and Finance at Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, California, was named by the Ursinus College Board of trustees as the college’s […]
Esteemed Alumnus Takeshi Amemiya
Takeshi Amemiya, the Edward Ames Edmonds Professor of Economics (emeritus) and a Professor of Classics at Stanford University, received his PhD from Johns Hopkins University in 1964. Amemiya is a […]