Tomáš Jagelka (University of Bonn)
Title of the talk: “Living Large or Long: Preference Estimates from Completed-Life Stories” (with Amitabh Chandra, Erzo F.P. Luttmer, and Joshua Schwartzstein)
Title of the talk: “Living Large or Long: Preference Estimates from Completed-Life Stories” (with Amitabh Chandra, Erzo F.P. Luttmer, and Joshua Schwartzstein)
Title of the Paper: "The equilibrium effects of state-mandated minimum staff-to-child ratios."
Spring 2025 semester Spring Break days for the department of economics.
Today is an encouraged no meetings day for 2023-2024 Academic Year.
Please note: No seminar scheduled to take place during spring break.
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
The first part of Open House will be in Wyman Park Building 603 between 9:00 am - 12:00 pm.
Title of the paper: “Testing the Portfolio Rebalancing Channel of Quantitative Easing”. (Location: 603, Wyman Park Building)
A discussion led by Professor Monica Prasad (J.H.U. Agora) in Clark 110.
The applied micro brownbag seminar will take place in Wyman Park Building 603.
Title of the Paper: "An Adversarial Approach to Identification" (Location: Wyman 603)
The event will take place in Wyman 521 between 11 am-12pm. Some light snacks alongside coffee will be provided.