Pablo D’Erasmo (Federal Reserve bank of Philadelphia)
Title of the paper: "A Quantitative Model of Banking Industry Dynamics"
Title of the paper: "A Quantitative Model of Banking Industry Dynamics"
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
Title of the Paper: When Growth leads to Zero-sum Conflict (with Álvaro Delgado-Vega)
Title of the paper: " The Past and Future of U.S. Structural Change: Compositional Accounting and Forecasting" ( joint with Dean Corbae.)
The applied micro brownbag seminar will take place in Wyman Park Building 603.
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
The event will take place in W-603. More information will be posted soon.
The applied micro brownbag seminar will take place in Wyman Park Building 603.
Title of the Paper: "To Grandmother’s House We Go: Informal Childcare and Female Labor Mobility"
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
The applied micro brownbag seminar will take place in Wyman Park Building 603.