Kai Hao Yang (Yale SOM)
Title of the Paper: “Non-discriminatory Personalized Pricing” (joint with Philipp Strack)
Title of the Paper: “Non-discriminatory Personalized Pricing” (joint with Philipp Strack)
Title of the paper: "Health and Business Cycles in General Equilibrium"
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
Title of the paper: "Unobserved Contributions and Political Influence: Evidence from the Death of Top Donors"
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
The event will take place in W-603. More information will be posted soon.