Panle Jia Barwick (Wisconsin Madison)
Title: "Drive Down the Cost: Learning by Doing and Government Policy in the Global Electric Vehicle Battery Industry" (co-authored with Panle Jia Barwick, Hyuksoo Kwon, Shanjun Li, Nahim Zahur)
Title: "Drive Down the Cost: Learning by Doing and Government Policy in the Global Electric Vehicle Battery Industry" (co-authored with Panle Jia Barwick, Hyuksoo Kwon, Shanjun Li, Nahim Zahur)
Click here for the event flyer. Participants:
Title of the Paper: "Set-Valued Control Functions and Causal Analysis"
Title of the paper: Reconciling Wage and Price Phillips Curves
Title of the paper: "The Macroeconomic Consequences of Unemployment Scarring"
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
Title of the Paper: "The Optimality of Majority Rule: An Information-Choice Perspective"
Title of the paper: "Asset Purchase Programs and the Exchange Rate"
More information on the title of the paper will be posted.
Title of the Paper: Taxation and Household Decisions: an Intertemporal Analysis
Title of the Paper: "How Do Digital Advertising Auctions Impact Product Prices?"