Matthew Wiswall (JHU)
Information about the paper will be available during the semester.
Information about the paper will be available during the semester.
Title of the paper for presentation: "Nash Bargaining with Coalitional Threats"
Title: "Central Bank Undersight: Assessing the Fed’s Accountability to Congress" (co-authored with Christina Parajon Skinner)
The applied micro brownbag seminar by Yujung Hwang (JHU Economics) will be in Wyman Park Building 603.
Title: "Creating Moves to Opportunity: Experimental Evidence on Barriers to Neighborhood Choice"
Title: "Anonymous and Strategy-Proof Voting under Subjective Expected Utility Preferences"
The macro brownbag seminar by Shiqi Dong (JHU) & Junhyeok Shin (JHU).
Title of the paper: "The Labor Demand and Labor Supply Channels of Monetary Policy"
The applied micro brownbag seminar by Yongzheng Liang (JHU Economics) will be in Wyman Park Building 603.
Title: "Economic Decision-Making Skill Predicts Income in Two Countries" (co-authored with David J. Deming, Søren Leth-Petersen, and Ben Weidmann)Here is the Appendix.
Title of the paper: "Social Learning of General Behavioral Rules" (co-authored with Enrique Urbano Arellano)
Information about the paper will be available during the semester.