Immo Schott (FRB)
Title: “Corporate Debt Maturity Matters for Monetary Policy” (co-authored with Joachim Jungherr, Matthias Meier, and Timo Reinelt)
Title: “Corporate Debt Maturity Matters for Monetary Policy” (co-authored with Joachim Jungherr, Matthias Meier, and Timo Reinelt)
Information about the paper will be available during the semester.
Title: “Arbitraging Covered Interest Rate Parity Deviations and Bank Lending.”
Title: "Job Search, Wages, and Inflation" (co-authored with Laura Pilossoph)
Title: "Financial Integration and Monetary Policy Coordination" (co-authored with Javier Bianchi)
Title: "Central Bank Undersight: Assessing the Fed’s Accountability to Congress" (co-authored with Christina Parajon Skinner)
Title of the paper: "The Labor Demand and Labor Supply Channels of Monetary Policy"
Information about the paper will be available during the semester.
Information about the paper will be available during the semester.
Information about the paper will be available during the semester.
Title of the paper by Elisa Rubbo: "Monetary Non-Neutrality in the Cross-Section"
Title of the paper: "The Macroeconomic Consequences of Unemployment Scarring"