Tetiana Davydiuk (JHU Carey)
"Direct Lenders in the U.S. Middle Market" (co-authored with Tatyana Marchuk, and Samuel Rosen)
"Direct Lenders in the U.S. Middle Market" (co-authored with Tatyana Marchuk, and Samuel Rosen)
"Durable Expenditure Dynamics with Heterogeneous Households and Sticky Unemployment Expectations" by Adrian Monninger"Reconciling wage and price Phillips Curves" by David Osten
"Inference Based on Time Varying SVARs Identified with Sign Restrictions"
"Liability Dollarization and Exchange Rate Pass-Through" (co-authored with Junhyong Kim)
Title: "Interest Rate Changes and Economic Activity" (co-authored with Zhen Huo and Akihisa Kato)
"The Role of the Prior in Estimating VAR Models with Sign Restrictions" (co-authored with Atsushi Inoue)
"Investor Beliefs and Market Frictions" Keywords: Subjective Beliefs, Rational Expectations, Survey Expectations, Market Frictions
"Optimal Long-Run Fiscal Policy with Heterogeneous Agents", joint with Adrien Auclert, Michael Cai, Matthew Rognlie
Title of the paper: "Inflation is Conflict" (co-authored with Ivan Werning)
Title: “Corporate Debt Maturity Matters for Monetary Policy” (co-authored with Joachim Jungherr, Matthias Meier, and Timo Reinelt)
Information about the paper will be available during the semester.
Title: “Arbitraging Covered Interest Rate Parity Deviations and Bank Lending.”