Inga Deimen (University of Arizona)
Title: "Strategic Information Transmission in the Employment Relationship" (joint work with Andreas Blume)
Title: "Strategic Information Transmission in the Employment Relationship" (joint work with Andreas Blume)
"Investor Beliefs and Market Frictions" Keywords: Subjective Beliefs, Rational Expectations, Survey Expectations, Market Frictions
Title: "Child Care Markets, Parental Labor Supply, and Child Development" (co-authored with Samuel Berlinski, Maria Marta Ferreyra, and Juan David Martin)
"Optimal Long-Run Fiscal Policy with Heterogeneous Agents", joint with Adrien Auclert, Michael Cai, Matthew Rognlie
The applied micro brownbag seminar by Eleno Castro (JHU Economics) will be in Wyman Park Building 603.
The applied micro brownbag event will be in Wyman Park Building 603.
Title of the paper: "Inflation is Conflict" (co-authored with Ivan Werning)
Title: "Extracting Models From Data Sets: An Experiment Using Notes-to-Self" by Guillaume R. Frechette, Emanuel Vespa and Sevgi Yuksel
More information about the applied microeconomics seminar will be posted.
Title: “Corporate Debt Maturity Matters for Monetary Policy” (co-authored with Joachim Jungherr, Matthias Meier, and Timo Reinelt)
The applied micro brownbag seminar by Seth Richards-Shubik (JHU Economics) will be in Wyman Park Building 603.
Title: “Information and Disparities in Health Care Quality: Evidence from GP Choice in England”