Jeongwon Son (JHU)
"Exchange rate policies and sectoral tradeoffs"
"Exchange rate policies and sectoral tradeoffs"
"A Simple Transformation Approach to Difference-in-Differences Estimation for Panel Data" (co-authored with Soo Jeong Lee)
"Beliefs, Stock Holding, and Wealth Accumulation Throughout the Life Cycle"
Paper title: "Trilemma redux: Sectoral trade-offs and exchange rate management in emerging markets"
Title of the Paper: "State Remedial Policies and Community Colleges"
"The Effect of Mergers on Innovations" (co-authored with Kaustav Das and Tatiana Mayskaya)
Title of the paper: "Bank deposits and their impacts on balance-sheet behavior"
Title of the paper: "Gender Gap from a Spatial Perspective: Location Choice, Marriage Matching, and Labor Supply"
Title of the talk: "Robust Comparative Statics with Misspecified Bayesian Learning"
Title of the paper: "Two-way Capital Flow Management in Emerging Markets"
Title of the paper: "Gender Inequality, Household Bargaining, and Social Welfare: Reduced-Form and Structural Analyses of China’s Two-Child Policy"
Title of the paper: "Tract housing, the core, and pendulum auctions"