Luca Flabbi (UNC)
Title: "Child Care Markets, Parental Labor Supply, and Child Development" (co-authored with Samuel Berlinski, Maria Marta Ferreyra, and Juan David Martin)
Title: "Child Care Markets, Parental Labor Supply, and Child Development" (co-authored with Samuel Berlinski, Maria Marta Ferreyra, and Juan David Martin)
More information about the applied microeconomics seminar will be posted.
Title: “Information and Disparities in Health Care Quality: Evidence from GP Choice in England”
More information about the applied microeconomics seminar will be posted.
Title: "Does Entry Remedy Collusion? Evidence from the Generic Prescription Drug Cartel" (co-authored with Thomas G. Wollmann)
More information about the applied microeconomics seminar will be posted.
Title: "Competing on Information in Selection Markets: Evidence from Auto Insurance"
More information about the applied microeconomics seminar will be posted.
Title: "The Distributional Effect of The Mortgage Interest Deduction on the Racial Wealth Gap in the United States”
Information about the paper will be available during the semester.
Title: "Creating Moves to Opportunity: Experimental Evidence on Barriers to Neighborhood Choice"
Title: "Economic Decision-Making Skill Predicts Income in Two Countries" (co-authored with David J. Deming, Søren Leth-Petersen, and Ben Weidmann)Here is the Appendix.