Our primary faculty research groups are focused in our five core areas: applied microeconomics, econometrics, economic theory, finance, and macroeconomics. Our joint faculty includes experts from the Carey Business School and the School of Advanced International Studies.
Econometrics Group
Coverage includes: forecasting, microeconometrics, panel data and cross sections, semi-/non-parametric econometrics, and time-series methods
- Faculty: Yingyao Hu, Lixiong Li, Jonathan Wright, Richard Spady
Mandatory vs. Discretionary Spending: The Status Quo Effect
Do mandatory spending programs such as Medicare improve efficiency? We analyze a model with two parties allocating a fixed budget to a public good and private transfers each period over […]
A Mechanism for Eliciting Second-Order Beliefs and the Inclination to Choose
This paper describes a direct revelation mechanism for eliciting decision makers’ introspective beliefs on sets of subjective prior or posterior probabilities. The proposed scheme constitutes a revealed-preference procedure for measuring […]