E.P.I.C. presents: Senior Thesis Presentations

Alexis Swasey (Larry Ball):             “The Effect of Ending Enhanced Unemployment Insurance on States' Unemployment Rates.” Zixiang Ma (Olivier Jeanne):         “Investigating the Impact of De-dollarization of Trade on the Demand for U.S. Treasuries.”Quinyang Du (Olivier Jeanne):     “Exchange Rate Volatility and Transactions in the Chinese Onshore Foreign Exchange (FX) Derivatives Market.”Steven Xu (Greg Duffee):     “Natural Disasters and Market Risk in […]

E.P.I.C. presents: Senior Thesis Presentations

Lorraine Rinaldi (Robert Moffitt): “The Effect of Child Care on the Gender Wage Gap”. Yiyang Han (Nick Papageorge):  “Drinking Behavior and Labor Market Outcomes”. Katerina Yang (Giovanna Dore): “Empowerment through Resource Creation? The Impact of Debt Relief Initiatives on Fiscal Space and External Capital Supply in Africa.” Location: Wyman 350

Jeong Won Son (JHU)

Paper title: "Trilemma redux: Sectoral trade-offs and exchange rate management in emerging markets"

Huan Deng (JHU)

Title of the paper: "Gender Gap from a Spatial Perspective: Location Choice, Marriage Matching, and Labor Supply"

Ani Ghosh (JHU)

Title of the talk: "Robust Comparative Statics with Misspecified Bayesian Learning"

Fangzhu Yang (JHU)

Title of the paper: "Gender Inequality, Household Bargaining, and Social Welfare: Reduced-Form and Structural Analyses of China’s Two-Child Policy"