Andrew Mackenzie (Maastrich University)
Title of the paper: "Tract housing, the core, and pendulum auctions"
Title of the paper: "Tract housing, the core, and pendulum auctions"
"Heterogeneous returns and the distribution of wealth" by Decory Edwards"Mind the (Unemployment) Gap: A Panel Kalman Filter for the Regional Phillips Curve" by Kyung-Woong Koh
Title of the paper: "Human capital transferability, occupational mobility, and employer monopsony power"
Paper: "A theory of front-line management" (co-authored with Daniel Bird)
"Liquidity, Debt Denomination, and Currency Dominance" (co-authored with Antonio Coppola and Arvind Krishnamurthy)
"The Costs of Choice in Health Insurance Markets: Evidence from Medicare Advantage"
Title: "Will The Real Efficiency Please Stand Up? Rethinking efficiency in random allocation"
"Unemployment Insurance in Macroeconomic Stabilization with Imperfect Expectations" (co-authored with Joao Guerreiro)
"Entrepreneurship in China’s Structural Transitions: Network Expansion and Overhang" (co-authored with Ruochen Dai, Dilip Mookherjee, and Xiaobo Zhang)
"Direct Lenders in the U.S. Middle Market" (co-authored with Tatyana Marchuk, and Samuel Rosen)
"Adverse Selection and (un)Natural Monopoly in Insurance Markets" (co-authored with Edward Kong, and Mark Shepard)
"Equilibrium Information in Credence Goods" (co-authored with Ching-to Albert Ma)