Anna Cieslak (Duke)
"Policymakers' Uncertainty" (co-authored with Stephen Hansen, Michael McMahon, and Song Xiao)
"Policymakers' Uncertainty" (co-authored with Stephen Hansen, Michael McMahon, and Song Xiao)
"Economic Impact Payments and Household Spending During the Pandemic." (with Jake Schild and Laura Erhard)
"Selective Immigration Policies and the U.S. Labor Market"
"PROGRESSIVE RANDOM CHOICE" (co-authored with Yusufcan Masatlioglu)
"The Crowding Out Effect of Local Government Debt: Micro- and Macro-Estimates"
"Assessing Omitted Variable Bias when the Controls are Endogenous" (joint with Paul Diegert and Matthew A. Masten)
"Bad News Bankers: Underwriter Reputation and Contagion in Pre-1914 Sovereign Debt Markets"
"Optimal Contracting with Altruistic Agents: Medicare Payments for Dialysis Drugs" (joint with Martin Gaynor and Nirav Mehta)