E.P.I.C presents: “Would a Patent Waiver for COVID- 19 Vaccines Help Achieve Vaccine Equity?”
A discussion led by Dr. Giovanna Dore (JHU) in Wyman 350.
A discussion led by Dr. Giovanna Dore (JHU) in Wyman 350.
"Zoomers and Boomers: Asset Prices and Intergenerational Inequality" (co-authored with Roger E. A. Farmer)
"Secrecy Rules and Exploratory Investment: Theory and Evidence from the Shale Boom" (co-authored with Thomas R. Covert)
"Monitoring with Rich Data" (with Ryota Iijima and Yuhta Ishii)
"Beliefs, Stock Holding, and Wealth Accumulation Throughout the Life Cycle"
"Demand Spillover and Inequality in the WIC Program" (co-authored with Kathleen Hui, Yuval Salant, and Kosuke Uetake)