Mira Frick (Yale)
"Monitoring with Rich Data" (with Ryota Iijima and Yuhta Ishii)
"Monitoring with Rich Data" (with Ryota Iijima and Yuhta Ishii)
"Authoritarian Social Control"
"Random Choice and Differentiation" (co-authored with Junnan He) Abstract: Measuring product differentiation and substitutability is a key concern in the analysis of consumer demand. We develop and analyze a general yet tractable model of random choice with product differentiation in a multi-attribute setting. We show the analyst can separately identify vertical and horizontal product differ- […]
"Redistribution Through Tax Relief"
"Cheap talk with unbounded state spaces" (joint with Luke Zhao)
"Beyond Unbounded Beliefs: How Preferences and Information Interplay in Social Learning" (co-authored with SangMok Lee, Tianhao Liu, and Daniel Rappoport)
"Randomization in Robust Contracting Models"
"Robust comparative statics for misspecified learning" by Aniruddha Ghosh"Firm behavior in a market with inattentive consumers" by Yujian Chen"Imitating for Successes" by Xudong Zheng“Information Provision Competition of Heterogeneous Senders” by Alice Gao
"The Effect of Mergers on Innovations" (co-authored with Kaustav Das and Tatiana Mayskaya)
Title of the talk: "Robust Comparative Statics with Misspecified Bayesian Learning"
Title of the paper: "Tract housing, the core, and pendulum auctions"
Paper: "A theory of front-line management" (co-authored with Daniel Bird)