H. Peyton Young

H. Peyton Young

Professor Emeritus, Research Professor in Economics, Johns Hopkins University

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Research Interests: Game Theory, Evolutionary Economics, Microeconomic Theory

Education: PhD, University of Michigan

My research is concerned with learning in games and its application to the diffusion of innovations, the evolution of social norms and institutions, and the design of decentralized systems of communication and control. I’m also interested in applications of game theory to finance. I am a past-president of the Game Theory Society, a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences,  the British Academy, the Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory, and the Econometric Society. Currently I am James Meade Professor of Economics, Emeritus at the University of Oxford and Centennial Professor of Mathematics at the London School of Economics.

Recent Papers:

"Collateralized Networks" (with Samim Ghamami and Paul Glasserman), Management Science, forthcoming 2021.

"The Speed of Innovation Diffusion in Social Networks" (with I. Arieli, Y. Babichenko, and R. Peretz), Econometrica, 88 (2020): 569-594.

"Contagion in Derivative Markets" (with Mark Paddrik and Sriram Rajan), Management Science, 66 no. 8 (2020): 1-14.

"How Safe are Central Counterparties in Derivative Markets" (with Mark Paddrik), Oxford Economics Discussion Paper 826, 2018.

"Stochastic Learning Dynamics and Speed of Convergence in Population Games" (with Itai Arieli), Econometrica, 84 (2016): 627-676.

"Stochastic Evolutionary Game Dynamics," (with Chris Wallace), forthcoming in H.P. Young and S. Zamir, eds, The Handbook of Game Theory, vol. IV, Elsevier, forthcoming 2014.

"Rapid Innovation Diffusion in Social Networks," (with Gabriel E. Kreindler), Oxford Economics Discussion Paper 626, 2013.

“The Dynamics of Social Innovation,” forthcoming in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2011.

“Fast Convergence in Population Games” (with Itai Arieli), Oxford Economics Discussion Paper 570, September 2011.

“Fast Convergence in Evolutionary Equilibrium Selection” (with Gabriel E. Kreindler), Games and Economic Behavior 80 (2013), 39-67.

“A Markov Test for Alpha” (with Dean P. Foster and Robert Stine), Wharton Financial Institutions Center Working Paper 11-49, and Oxford Economics Discussion Paper 568, September 2011.

“A Strategy-Proof Test of Portfolio Returns” (with Dean P. Foster), Wharton Financial Institutions Center Working Paper 11-50, and Oxford Economics Discussion Paper 567, September 2011.

“Achieving Pareto Optimality Through Distributed Learning” (with Jason R. Marden and Lucy Y. Pao), Oxford Economics Discussion Paper No. 557, July 2011.

“Learning Efficient Nash Equilibria in Distributed Systems” (with Bary S. R. Pradelski), Oxford Economics Discussion Papers No. 480, June 2011.

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